Farewell Treasured Friend
Dave had adopted her as his own and never treated her like a step cat. She loved him too they would often hang out on the sofa together watching TV or hog the bed (mostly Toonces) resulting in me sleeping on a tiny piece or twisted into a pretzel position.
Gracie too had come to love our little furry baby. She would happily knock on the door when she and Dave arrived home and say "Cat!" to tell her that they were home. She had gotten so good a gentle pets that sometimes Toonces would mistake it for me petting her, though once she realized it was Gracie she would make a quick exit. Gracie had even taken to calling Toonces by name. "Tooncey where are you?" she would call in her little baby voice. It appeared to serve mostly as a good warning for Toonces, whose vision had deteriorated, to steer clear of the area but it was most endearing.
Our home and our hearts will never quite be the same without her.