Our Lima Bean

The latest happenings in the growth of our little lima bean.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

What a sweet face....

Here is the latest picture of our baby. We had the anatomy ultrasound on June 19. The tech said it was a good thing that we were not trying to find out the gender because the baby was being very modest and had his/her legs crossed the entire time! Everything looked great. We got to see the heart, spine, kidneys, brain, legs, arms, and this sweet face. I know some of you are looking at the picture saying what face! This is the baby's profile. You can see the left eye, nose, mouth and tiny teeth buds developing. He/she kept putting it's hand in front of it's face that is what you see out in front of the face. Remember you can click on the picture to make it bigger. The tech said everything looks great but that I will have to have another ultrasound because of where the placenta is located....Shucks I have to see the baby more!

I am feeling the baby move more and more often. Last night we went to the IRL race in Richmond and the baby was very clear that he/she did NOT like the jet engine that blows the track clean....KICK, KICK, KICK! Not surprisingly the little bean did not complain about the sound of the cars.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

The Latest....

Dave, I and the cat all survived our harrowing 20+ hour round trip jaunt to Indy for the holiday weekend with only a small amount of crying and complaining (mostly from the cat). I wondered how many other travelers noticed the "Toonces is my co-pilot" bumper sticker and then Toonces sitting on the drivers lap as they passed us....

I went for another doctor's appointment today. The doctor ordered another ultrasound for June 19, so we will add more pictures then....I got to hear the baby's heartbeat and she had lots of positive things to say including that the baby is very active and that she has another patient recently with the same condition as me that has had two healthy babies! I will go back at the end of this month for another doctor's appointment as we continue to monitor our progress....

Thanks to all of you who have chimed in with your opinions on the gender debate. It really does help me to hear other's opinions.