Our Lima Bean

The latest happenings in the growth of our little lima bean.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Our Birth Story

So here is the scoop from the Mommy perspective... (I love saying that).

I had Dave take this picture in the parking lot of the last day of me pregnant with our first baby.

When we arrived at the hospital the nurse said my water had definitely broken and we knew for sure that we would be having a baby soon. It was all such a shock I was convinced I would hold out for a few more weeks. I arrived 2 centimeters dilated and labor progressed quickly. Things seemed to be going along great. When exactly that changed is a bit of a blur.

The baby's heart rate was fluctuating and the doctor was quite concerned. It is very anxiety provoking when the nurse pushes a button and asks for help and 10 people show up in your room. That happened several times and I stayed calm externally but was panicking inside.

When there was no OR available the doctor said the baby had to come out NOW one way or another and told me to start pushing with all my might. This made matters worse and they rushed us to the OR. They worked frantically to prep me for surgery and the anesthesiologist tried to keep me calm. After what seemed to be an eternity of the nurse pushing the baby up and the doctor trying to pull her out the finally freed her. Then I waited for what seemed like an eternity for her cry. Finally the sound I had waited 8 months to hear flooded me with relief. Things were such a whirlwind. It was not until much later did I realize the seriousness of all of this or how appropriate her name turned out to be.

It is through Gods Grace that she is with us today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations! It sounds like you had quite a scare (of course, wait unitl you're home and she's "all yours" - talk about scary:) Glad baby Grace is doing well and almost home. You'll be in our thoughts and prayers. Peace and love - Troy and Cindy

3:55 PM  

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