Our Lima Bean

The latest happenings in the growth of our little lima bean.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Laura's coming home today

Laura will be home later today, as soon as her doctor discharges her. Luckily, we live five minutes from the hospital, so it will be easy for us to get to the nursery to see Grace. If she is up to it, Laura will post the experience from her angle later today.

As for Grace, her bilirubins were up slightly today. The light therapy has slowed them down, but they are not down yet. Hopefully the numbers will go down tomorrow. In the meantime, here is a better picture of her under the lights (I remembered to adjust the white-balance so it is not so blue from the light therapy).

Here is Grace after a feeding and before the nurses covered her eyes and turned on the lights. She is wide awake and showing off her pretty eyes! She's a bit of a wiggle-worm, so the picture is a bit blurry.


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