Our Lima Bean

The latest happenings in the growth of our little lima bean.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Great Gender Debate....Your opinions please!

Okay so here's the deal....I have pretty much always been of the mind that I wanted to be surprised at the birth by the gender of our children. However, it seems this is not the norm these days. When people ask if we "know yet" what we are having and I say I don't want to know I have gotten lots of strange looks and comments like "well...I just had to know!"
So I'm weird...Nothing new as I'm sure most of you who know me well would agree.
To make things a bit more interesting however it appears that the merchandising world is against me in my plight to not be overwhelmed with pink or blue and ruin one of the only real surprises in life. I tried to find a non-gender specific bib that said "I love daddy." We ended up with a blue bib with puppies that was the least gender specific item I could find!
May seem strange but even as a kid I never would sneak and unwrap my Christmas presents. In fact, it never even occurred to me to do so! So even though Dave would lean toward finding out I have been so against doing so he says that we will not find out because my opinion against is stronger than his for finding out.
So I am wondering am I missing something...Maybe there are things I had not considered in making this decision....What do all of you think??? We care about your opinion or we would not have sent you the link to this silly thing. So please....Weigh in with your opinions about the great gender debate....To know or to not know that is the question!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it’s kind of exciting that you are waiting to find out. As for myself, I would not be able to wait. I’m currently counting down the days to know if I’m going to have another nephew or a niece. If you have the strength from wanting to find out, I say hold out. I believe it makes the statement “We will be happy whether we have a boy or a girl” all that much more sincere. I also kind of think it will make the birth even more thrilling (if that is possible).

12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be surprised Laura! I was glad we didn't find out a head of time, even though Scott would have liked to. We didn't buy too many clothes before hand, but you are right, its pink, blue, yellow or green. Court's room is yellow of course and she came home from the hospital in pale green. She isn't permanently warped from not being dressed in pink from day one. Hold out for the surprise.

10:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would say go with your heart. If you don't want to know, don't. Just because the norm is switching towards everyone finding out the sex of the baby, doesn't mean you should conform. I don't think I would care either way, but this is an important time in your lives and this is your choice. I think it is kind of exciting to see the baby for the first time and hear for the first time whether it is a boy or girl.


10:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We did both. When we were pregnant the first time we let it be a surprise, and it was great. We got to pick out a girl name and a boy name. It let us dream a bit longer and it was the way I always imagined it growing up. Our second pregnancy with the twins we found out (the circumstances did have some influence) and that was nice too so we could prepare. If you have a split decision you could always decide that this time let it be a surprise and next time you will find out. Good old comprimising. Also, picking a gender neutral nursery is not a bad ideal if you plan on having more children. Of course things are geared toward one gender or the other, but you can always mix and match. Also, regarding the clothes-Once the baby is born you will receive more gifts anyway so in the long run there will not be a shortage of clothes.

9:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having experienced both options... my suggestion is to not find out. Finding out the sex ahead of time takes something away from the birth. I remember with Isabella, I was pushing so hard to get her out just to find out if I had a girl or boy. When the doctor delivered her and laid her on my chest, I could not see what the sex was. I was yelling at the doctor, "WELL??? WHAT IS IT???" The other upside of waiting is that the Dad has the wonderful opportunity to run out to the waiting room and inform everybody.

DON'T FIND OUT........ You know me, I love surprises!!



11:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a little late but I know we have talked about it before. I absolutely loved not finding out and I cannot describe the utter joy of finding out right at the end. If I have ten more children (no way!)I would not find out on each one. Having a neutral nursery was nice because since we had a different gender the second time it was a piece of cake to change it to fit

1:25 PM  

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