Is the Bean a thumbsucker?

Looks like it to me. At our last ultrasound, we witnessed more movement. This time the baby was waving an arm around. Pretty amazing! But in this picture, it looks like we might have a thumbsucker in our midst (or is that in Laura's middle?) The tech gave us nine pictures at the last ultrasound, but only in three or four can anything be made out. Remember, you can double click the picture to see it full-size. And feel free to leave your vote on thumbsucking in the comments.
I think you be able to have a full scrapbook of ultrasound by the time your little one arrives!:)
Funny you should say that...Laura just bought a little bragbook last night for the ultrasound pictures!
I was not convinced about the thumbsucking until I clicked on the picture and made it bigger. Now I am sure he/she is sucking the thumb...Self-soothing already?
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