A bicornuate what????
By now those of you that have little ones of your own may be wondering how we have had the fortune to have two ultrasounds at only 9 weeks! Well, the short version is that a have a bicornuate uterus, which is fancy doctor speak for a duplicated uterus. This is something we had never even heard of so when the ultrasound tech started talking about it as you might guess we were very concerned. The best way I can explain it is that when my uterus was forming in my own mother's womb it formed with two separate chambers rather than as one, which I have learned is the most common anomaly of the uterus. Sometimes people call it heart shaped uterus. This puts the bean and me in the high risk category so we get extra special attention from the doctor and lots of ultrasounds to track our progress. The lima bean is in the left "horn" of my uterus.
The good news is that the complications that I was having early on were because the right side of my uterus is confused because it has all the hormones and no baby! The ultrasound tech said it has baby envy. :) The doctor's office called me on Thursday and scheduled another ultrasound for April 24. So we will get another chance to see our darling little lima bean and more pictures to share. The fact that the baby only has half a uterus to grow in may cause additional issues in the future such as early labor or a breech presentation that requires a cesarean. I will keep the blog up to date so everyone is in the loop. But Dave is taking very good care of us so I don't think there is cause for concern.
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