Our Lima Bean

The latest happenings in the growth of our little lima bean.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Growing like a weed!

My best intentions have not come to fruition with blogging lately. So I figured I would post a couple of pictures. I think every day that there are some things I should get done. Most days few if any of them get accomplished.Grace is still very demanding of my time. She has developed acid reflux and must be upright for at least 30 minutes after every feeding to avoid exorcist style vomiting. At our trip to the Orthopedist she was fitted with a harness to help push her right leg bone further into the hip socket. This makes dressing and changing her diapers a challenge. When Dave and I weighed her tonight the scale said 9 lbs 11 oz! Even if that is slightly off it explains the double chins!


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